Logo- Patterns- Notes for Year 5 School work
On Friday I am working with some teachers on using Logo in Year 5. We are basing the unit on the Newham Scheme of work for Year Year 5 ICT.
I am putting together some helpful notes and links below
What is Logo?
Logo is a computer language created by Seymour Papert- the father of both Control Technology and Primary ICT . He was the first to explore how children could use computers and toys as a learning tool. His early book on this Mindstorms ( a good but challenging read) charts his exploration an research into how children can use logo as a thinking tool, it is also given us the name for the Lego 'Mindstorms'
Why bother teaching Logo?
A number of reasons, first and foremost it makes children think beyond themselves, a skill which children need to develop. They literally have to empathise with or put themselves in the place of the turtle/roamer/beebot as it moves around the screen. This enables them to get the object to its destination.
What software is available for teaching Logo?
- Imagine LOGO from Logotron- this is the software used in the Newham unit. This software is very well supported with notes, tutorials, resources and books of activities.
- MSW LOGO is a free download, with a slightly uninteresting interface, but never the less it is free, it's newer younger brother FMSW LOGO is the recent upgrade and allows you greater functionality.
- There is also 2Control from 2Simple
- Probotix software which accompanies The Probots (Beebot big brothers)
Using Logo- an introduction
How do I draw a square:
To draw a square you need to send the turtle forward and turn to the right four times. This might look like this:
fd 100 - move forward 100 units
rt 90 turn 90 degrees to the right
fd 100 - move forward 100 units
rt 90 turn 90 degrees to the right
fd 100 - move forward 100 units
rt 90 turn 90 degrees to the right
fd 100 - move forward 100 units
rt 90 turn 90 degrees to the right
What are the main commands in LOGO?
fd- forward - moves the turtle forwards
bk- backward- moves the turtle backwards
rt - right - turns the turtle to the right
lt - left - turns the turtle to the left
pu- lifts up the pen - allowing you to move the turtle on-screen, without drawing a line
pd- puts the pen back onto the screen - allowing you to draw again
ht- hide turtle this hides the turtle- allowing you to just see your creation
st - show turtle- this brings the turtle back
Try this:
Type 'bye' into the enter box and logo will close
setpc- set the colour of the pen- see the list of colours below
setsc- sets the colours of the screen - see the list of colours below
There is a quicker way to draw shapes like the square- the repeat command - the repeat command allows you to speed up the process of commanding the turtle movements by combining instructions
less here is more
To draw a square using repeat type:
repeat 4[ fd 100 rt 90]
Be sure to use the square brackets on the keyboard when typing repeat commands
What about drawing other shapes?
What are the LOGO Colours?
0- black
1- blue
2- green
3- light blue
4 - red
5- purple
6- yellow
7- white
8- dark red
9- brown
10- dark green
11 - turquoise
12- orange
13- lilac
14-light orange
15- dark green
Where can I learn more about LOGO?
Read this interactive book by Michael Koss here
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