Teachmeet - the dust has settled
Thank you to all of you that attended TeachmeetNEL on Monday, it was an inspiring and exciting evening, but above all:
"Butlins for geeks”
This is the second time I have written this blogpost,as it seemed to have spirited away earlier today, not sure how that happened!
Teachmeet- Thoughts
For me some of the best parts of the evening, were perhaps the most unusual and unexpected presentations,notably Daniel's presentation on his work with China and
Sarah Hackett's talk on using Moodle to teach the fiddle.
During the evening there were lots of good links and ideas and here are just a few:
whatworkswell- the place where teaching practitioners can share real studies which have improved learning and teaching.
animoto.com- often blogged and used by yours truly - a great place for creating MTV style videos
Terry Freedman and his 'Coming of Age' Web 2.0 book
Tom Whitehead and his excellent work on Animals into art
Nicholas Hughes and his wonderful Robosapiens
Steve Sidaway- using TXTTOOLS
Marguerite.Heath and the Gogivers website - lots of free tools to use in primary- it is free, but please kill that annoying music.
The Visualiser Forum- watch Dave Smith tell how good these are on Teachers TV and learn how they can be used in the classroom
Richard Millwood and his analysis of delight- it seemed easier for pupils to define delight tahn their teachers - if you need to know more about delight then read John Heron's book
, though not sure which book it was that Richard was atlking about.
I was interested by the datalogging work done in Tower Hamlets and available via the LGFL- I had not seen data- logging done on Google Earth before, very interesting and his presentation did not do justice to such exciting work.
Peter Sadler- the man who gave us both booze and an insight into how Honeycomb tools has been used with Key Stage 1 - Isobale's work looked fantastic- looking forward to using this in Redbridge
John Dabbro from the New Rush Hall - some excellent work being doen for BECTA on using ICT in an EBD context
Doctor Who- Trailer Maker- you can use this in Year Four you know
Groups on Flickr- thanks to Ewan for these
My Story- about people taking a photograph and then creating a story to explain the picture
Photo a day for schools- take a photo every day of what you are doing in school and share it around the world with other schools as they take a photo too
I ate this- great to see the rubbish that people eat every day!
Classroom displays- of course- would have been great to have had Linda here to share it herself!
Other Tools
Voice thread- a great tool allowing you to combine voice and images to tell storys
Slideshare- a great tool for uploading poerpoints
If you missed any of these, or indeed you couldn't make the event or the Flash Meeting, then relive most of the experience on the Flashmeeting page here.
Feedback from the evening
In order to run the evening again, I need to gain as much feedback as I can, both +ve and -ve. If you were there, then please leave a comment and this will help us plan to run a similar event next year.
Feedback left on the Wikki
Thanks Anthony, Dave, team and of course the master of ceremonies Ewan, it was a super informative fun evening.. worth staying in London for :-) .. use the tag teachmeetnel to search flikr for pictures
Tricia Neal
Thank you all so much for coming last night it was a great night, with fantastic presenters, generous sponsors, money raised for charity and most of all innovative ict shared and new ideas spread... I once saw a sticker on the back of a car that said 'competition works' - well, i would like the 'unbadge' that states that 'collaboration works' - well done to all involved, especially my counterpart anthony evans who worked so hard to bring it to fruition (at a time when his wife is expecting a 3rd little evans) - best wishes to all...
Dave Smith ICT Consultant
John Hackett - Director "Learning Landscape for Schools" A Safe social network for schools. This was my first teechmeet - I mainly lurked in the background then helped out with the very last presentation on teaching folk fiddle via Moodle (see no 9 above). Good fun. Please feel free to take a look at my LL4Schools site - there is also a FREE, teachers' version with open registration at http://www.ll4education.co.uk using the same software but without the e-safety features. Perhaps I'll present at some future event.
Email Feedback
Hi Anthony - Just a quickie to say a big thank you to you and your
colleagues for organising such a great event last night. I really came
away uplifted and inspired, and with loads of great new ideas. I think
the format was spot on and there was a great feeling of collegiate
This was one of the best and most effective events I have attended in
Redbridge for years, and I hope we can have more of them.
Well done and a big thank-you.
John Dabbro- New Rush Hall
Textual Feedback
Really liked tom's poetry project. Great to see a simple concept developed into a refined format.
Ian Usher Sorry I couldn't be there, getting across London was too much that late in the day. The FlashMeeting is/was good tho!
Get the year 8 girl who did the presentation earlier to do hers again. It was only 3 or 4 minutes and was great
I thoroughly enjoyed the evening - it was a privilege to be able to come, to present and to listen to the brilliant work being done by others. How could you NOT do this next year?
Great Night - a inspiring event with loads of new ideas. Great to see what is happening out there now.
Gring on Teachmeet 09
A brilliant evening Anthony ... when is the next one?
Good to see so many people and such a range of roles and interests represented. Inspiring evening!
Very impressed by the speakers and the turn out! My only regret is that I had to leave early and couldn't contribute!
Not sure how I felt about having my name in the 'Fruit Machine' though :)
Ken Maslin (Newham)
A great evening. Thanks for all the hard work. Finally written up my project and talk at http://nstoneit.com/?p=23
See you next year (if not before)
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