Monday, March 12, 2007

The Image to Video to Virtual World Sequence

Innovative Uses for IWBS

Recently I have delivered Insets on Innovative use of the IWB. I begin the literacy strand of these sessions by looking @ images and talking about how these can be powerful tools to stimulate writing and discussion.

The images of Dylan below are classic examples for this sort of activity and could be further enhanced by the use of the spotlight tool.

Who is he? Why is he there? Is he lost? How did he get there? Where are his carers?

How does he feel? What can he see? What is he looking at? When was the picture taking

How would you feel if you were lost? Have you ever been lost? etc


I then progress to look @ Video and there is so much that the teacher can use here:

Teachers TV- including the Literacy Whiteboard Clips / Story Starts

BBC Motion Gallery

And of course Youtube- and Google Video though I would recommend that teachers try to use to capture the Flash File and then Super to convert to another format (if they don't have SMART which lets you insert Flash files.)

I end by showing a short clip I ripped from the Teachers TV programme on advanced use of the IWB and it shows Tim Rylands using MYST. A virtual world, where children and teacher can almost step into the Whiteboard and explore the lands that the white plastic portal on the wall are opening up. The writing the kids produce from these journeys is amazing and it just looks like so much fun too.

Many of the teachers are keen to try out this activity, but I have yet to find one that actually has, beyond what Rylands and the Teachers TV guy show us. Let me know if you are using it right now. Some teachers are concerned that the game might include death and snipers, but Myst is unlike Medal of honour or Grand Theft Auto, it can be exciting but I have yet to find any rampaging snipers.


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