Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Heads Forum Today

Today I addressed the Primary Heads and my powerpoint failed- not to worry carried on by referencing the handouts I`d provided at their tables. David introduced me as the Primary ICT Team, thankfully the team consists of the numerous groups and networks across the borough:

These are:

The ICT across the Curriculum network run by MIchelle (Christchurch)

The IWB Network run by Steve and Lucy (Manford)

The Leading ICT teachers run by them and me

The assessment forum- my intention with this is that I develop these teams and effectively do myself out of a job.

This is cheesy to say but inamongst these groups there are some really great people and some fantastic teaching!!


Foundation Website

Whenever I do Insets these days, I often get taken to task over the irrelevance of the Inset to the foundation stage attendees in the room. It`s a fair point and by now I have heard it enough to think I must try to be more inclusive. I have found an excellent webiste from Cambridge that addresses ICT in the foundation stage

Cambridge site on foundation

Redbridge Primary  Website

I hope to have this online by the first week back after half term.(fingers Crossed)

My aim is that it will have most of the stuff coordinators would need to download or be linked to.

Whats`s this??

A few good clicks

SMART Boards used on reality TV show in Middle East


Google are now offering free online document processing and spreadsheets, though i believe you need a gmail account - if you don`t have one, then please email me as i have quite a few gmail invites left.

Google Docs

We all know about Computer Club for Girls but what about the boys?

See what posters on the TES forum are saying

TES Forum- Comments on Computer Club for Boys

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