Wednesday, April 09, 2008

sheep- first video on Flickr

sheep- first video on Flickr
Originally uploaded by skinnyboyevans

My first video posted on Flickr- still not sure why we would be using Flickr and not Youtube- though Flickr offers a smaller file size- a clip rather than an episode then I guess. to quote the Flickr blog, the limit of posting short 90 second clips means we are posting "long photos" not films,

Of course this was done with Crazy Talk

1 comment:

Two Whizzy said...

Loving the animation work. Animoto as you say really seems to have edubloggers bouncing, and your videos look fabulous, realy useful for logging and illustrating student projects. A while back saw some work using animation loops similar to your sheep vid to help students learn their tables. I wonder how students would react to using crazy talk to help with this kind of thing. Rehearsing and presenting these in an entertaining way for another audience.