Friday, October 27, 2006

Protected online Communities

Still researching  the whole issue of kids cyber behavior both to inform schools and because it was in issue when I was teaching. I remember trawling through pages of MSN transcripts, trying to identify who dissed whose mum, after children in my class complained of bullying. This whole issue needs a much larger blog entry but for now I wont to link to INTUITIVE MEDIA, who seem to be taking a responsible lead in the whole MYSpace/Piczo  game. They provide protected online communities with filtering and age verification. Two things that My Space will not give us.As the director of Intuitive media points out with these site, you do not know ho is a child and who is an adult.

If you are looking for advice on E Safety don't forget that Childnet and Kidssmart are the websites to help with this issue!

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